echo off color 0a cls echo hello i am a robot echo i can calculate for you echo enter your name please set /p name= cls echo welcome %name% pause :m echo press 1 for Addition echo press 2 for Subtraction echo press 3 for Multiplication echo press 4 for Division echo press 5 for clearing the table echo press 6 for exit set /p type= if %type%==1 goto a if %type%==2 goto b if %type%==3 goto c if %type%==4 goto d if %type%==5 goto e if %type%==6 goto f :a echo Addition echo choose the first number please set /p n1= echo now choose the second number set /p n2= echo ................................................................................ echo. echo %n1%+%n2% echo. echo ................................................................................ echo press enter for geting the answer pause set /a an=n1+n2 echo ................................................................................ echo. echo %n1%+%n2%=%an% echo. echo ................................................................................ echo press 1 for doing it again echo press m for going to menu set /p type= if %type%==1 goto a if %type%==m goto m :b echo Subtraction echo choose the first number please set /p n1= echo now choose the second number set /p n2= echo ................................................................................ echo. echo %n1%-%n2% echo. echo ................................................................................ echo press enter for geting the answer pause set /a an=n1-n2 echo ................................................................................ echo. echo %n1%-%n2%=%an% echo. echo ................................................................................ echo press 2 for doing it again echo press m for going to menu set /p type= if %type%==2 goto b if %type%==m goto m :c echo Multiplication echo choose the first number please set /p n1= echo now choose the second number set /p n2= echo ............................................................................... echo. echo %n1%*%n2% echo. echo ............................................................................... echo press enter for geting the answer pause set /a an=n1*n2 echo ............................................................................... echo. echo %n1%*%n2%=%an% echo. echo ............................................................................... echo press 3 for doing it again echo press m for going to menu set /p type= if %type%==3 goto c if %type%==m goto m :d echo Division echo choose the first number please set /p n1= echo now choose the second number set /p n2= echo ............................................................................... echo. echo %n1%/%n2% echo. echo ............................................................................... echo press enter for geting the answer pause set /a an=n1/n2 echo ............................................................................... echo. echo %n1%/%n2%=%an% echo. echo ............................................................................... echo press 4 for doing it again echo press m for going to menu set /p type= if %type%==4 goto d if %type%==m goto m :e echo Clearing cmd echo press enter for clearing cmd pause cls echo press m please set /p type= if %type%==m goto m :f cls echo Exit echo. echo. echo ...................... echo .thanks for using me . echo . wish you luck . echo ...................... pause exit |